
The window below contains visual flashcards for every question in the list of 100 Civics Questions for the naturalization test. The flashcard images are based on our real-life high quality physical flashcards, which you can purchase online.

To study the digital flashcards below, first select a range of questions you want to study. (By default, questions 1 thru 20 are activated when you load the page.) Once your desired range of question cards is loaded, you can navigate through the cards as follows:

  • To flip a card, either press the spacebar on your keyboard, or swipe up on your touch device.
  • To advance to the next questions, press the spacebar on your keyboard (again) or swipe to the left on your touch device.
  • For any of the aforementioned navigation, you can also may also click/tap the directional arrows at the bottom-right of the window.
  • As you show the answer for each card, pay attention to the study notes which will appear in the pane below; these study notes will help you remember the material.