About ImmigrationTestPrep.com

Thank you for visiting ImmigrationTestPrep.com. This site is operated by an independent web developer who lives near Washington, DC. In 2017, I found that the study options for the United States Citizenship test were limited and of low quality, so I took it upon myself to create materials that would help prospective citizens get ready for their test.

I began selling physical flashcards in April 2017. Based on the market response, I knew that there was a need for excellent study materials, and I developed this website to bolster my offering.

I still encourage you to purchase a deck of my flashcards, because there's nothing quite like studying tangible hand-held cards (vs. the digital equivalent). It's my belief that using the physical cards in tandem with this website is a surefire way to pass your test!

I hope you enjoy this site and my products. If you have ideas or suggestions for how this site can be improved, or if you just want to pass along a note about how it helped you prepare for your test, I'd love to hear it. Please send an email to webmaster@immigrationtestprep.com.